I envision a small group of dedicated fiber folks who will commit to some independent study on various techniques so that each member will be able to lead the rest of us in one of the hundreds of surface design techniques available (and maybe come up with something on our own!). We could meet every other month or each month as the group would like.

The possibility of using the Liberty Town http://www.libertytownarts.com/site/ pottery room is being explored. More on that later.

Membership would be open to all, with fees charged only to cover the rental of the space assuming we can meet at Liberty Town. As the Guild is helping to make this possible through having a studio at Liberty Town I’d like to charge a slightly higher fee for non-Guild Members. This might also help increase our membership, visibility, and the wealth of knowledge within the group. Materials would be acquired either as a group or individually.

As a guide, I would propose using “Complex Cloth” by Jane Dunnewold as well as any of the other great surface design books that are available.

I have no experience in surface design, but would like to join up with others who are just as inexperienced and adventurous as I am. Experienced folks are more than welcomed, too. I think it’s important to understand that this is not meant to be a series of classes, but rather a series of opportunities for people studying on their own to meet with and share techniques and experiences.

Quilters, sewers, and nuno felters might also be interested in these techniques; please pass on this information to all you think may be interested.


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