The program for February 2014 is all about mobile apps on your smartphone or tablet. Please download the PDF presentation. Let me know if you have any questions. Mobile Apps
Everyone, I just wanted to remind you to please bring your smartphone and/or tablets to the guild meeting on Saturday. I will be giving a brief introduction into some of the apps that are available today to help with knitting, spinning and weaving. Please note: I am very Android centric, if you are an iPhone/iPad […]
All, Of the workshop requests I’ve received, the topic of surface design has gained the most votes. I’ve found a local artist that you may be interested in: Candace Edgerley. Click on the links below to see her work and find out more about her. Let me know if you are interested in asking her […]
The Fredericksburg Spinners and Weavers Guild would like to introduce an outstanding learning opportunity. The Guild is hosting a multi-day/part dying workshop that will cover many facets of fiber dying, from beginner to more advance topics specifically geared toward certain artist groups. The signup sheets are on the Guild bulletin board. Please pay when you sign up […]
For the February 2013 guild presentation, Jennifer Price set up her antique sock knitting machine for a demonstration. In addition to watching how the machine worked, Jennifer also shared the history behind the machine, what to look for when thinking of purchasing a machine, and some neat peculiarities that her particular sock machine has. Machine […]
Here are the programs we have on the calendar so far for 2013. If you have a great idea for a program, or want to volunteer to lead one, please contact Mary Snellings or Lesley Reynolds! We have so much talent in our group – and so many varied interests. Everyone has something to share. […]